Offensive Advertising Isn't Doing You Any Good

If you want to improve your company's advertising, you have to step outside the box. Vehicle advertising, for example, is a great way to grow your company's brand and do so in a cost-effective way. Truck wrap kits and custom vehicle wraps are actually viewed on the same level as television ads, making them the two most memorable forms of media.
It's important to realize, however, that these vinyl car graphics can ruin your company's image and brand if they happen to be offensive in any way. Although positive car and truck wrap kits can work wonders for your business and both grow your brand and increase company revenue, if you take the offensive route, you could face some serious backlash.
According to, in Queensland, Australia, after vans marked with offensive advertisements were in operation for eight years, the government finally outlawed these disrespectful vehicle ads.
"Many people across the community have been concerned for some time about the derogatory, sexist, and outright offensive slogans and cartoons on the side of some commercial Queensland vehicles," said Yvette D'Ath, Queensland Attorney General.
Because these vehicle graphics were so offensive and resulted in numerous protests over the years, D'Ath and other government officials are hoping to cut back on these kinds of advertisements across the entire country.
"The Palaszczuk Government is leading the country in taking action on this issue and we’re working closely with other states and territories to promote a nationally consistent approach to vehicle registration laws on this issue," added D'Ath.
Smart Company reports that the Australian Department of Transport and Main Roads are now encouraged to cancel vehicle registrations if the owner of the car, truck, or van fails to remove the offensive vehicle graphic. These companies have until March 1 to adhere to orders from the Advertising Standards Board.
Luckily, as long as you aren't offensive with car or truck wrap designs, you'll be able to enjoy all the benefits of wrap advertising. If you want to check out some truck wrap kits or other vinyl car wrapping products, contact Rockwall Wraps today!